Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are tme most efficient solution for high quality treatment of high volume water. Most of ions and molecules including salts can be removed form water with RO system. RO system can be used in conjuction with physical, chemical and biological treatment to recovery of domestic and industrial wastewater. Wastewaters recovered by RO process can be used as irrigation water, potable water or process water in industrial facilities. Additionally, waters that has high TDS (total dissolved solid) concentration like well water and sea water can be used as drinking water by using RO systems in treatment process.
Ultrafiltration systems can be used to treat surface water. Besides that UF modules are used for treatment of biological and chemical treatment effluent in RO system as pre-filtration. Suspended solid, mocromolecules, bacteria and viruses totally removed by 0,01 micron pore sized membranes that are used in UF systems. Pre-filtration or flotation is required treatment of waters that have high suspended solid concentration with UF system. Additionally UF system highly used as pre-filtration in treatment of sea water with RO systems. UF systems are very important for water recovery processes.
River water treatment systems that are designed to convert river and surface water into potable water are mainly used in regions where intensive water cuts take place such as Iraq and Middle East. Reverse osmosis (RO) system must be installed after river water treatment system to bring drinking water standards to treated water.
River water treatment systems that are designed and manufactured as mobilize container are preferred in terms of providing usage in different locations. These units which are easily transported and installed are preferred settlement areas that can benefit form surface water with advantages of being economic and easily operated.
Sand filters are used for removal of suspended solid which can not settle secondary settling tank. Besides, it is used for separating the residues in water in water treatment process. Sand filters can be automatic and manual. In sand filter, water is filtrated through the pores of the media in the sand filter. Sand filters are designed dished and suitable for operational pressure.
Water softening system is used for romoval of ions that cause hardness in water by ion exchanging method. Cationic resin is used in water softening equipment. Hardness of water is removed by replacing ions that cause hardness with the Na+1 ions in the cationic resin. Lime formation is prevented while removal of hardness with water softening system.
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