Industrial wastewater characterization varies according to process used in the production process. Pollutant parameters in industrial wastewaters differ from domestic wastewater as well as concentration of pollutants. For this reason, one or several of physical, chemical and biological treatment processes.
In the design of industrial wastewater treatment process, the system is designed according to discharge limits considering chemical properties of wastewater. Industrial wastewaters have high COD concentrations in addition to other pollutant parameters such as oil&grease, acidic-basic pH, color, heavy metals depending on the industrial sector.
Physical treatment units such as primary sedimentation, screens, dissolved air flotation (DAF) and oil separator can be used in first stage of the system to reduce solid matter and organic matter load of wastewater. Following physical treatment chemical treatment units such as neutralization, coagulation, flocculation and chemical preparation units are used. Physical properties of solid matters in wastewater are changed to allow precipitation by using chemicals in chemical treatment processes. Removal of pollutants such as organic matter, heavy metals and phosphorus is provided with chemical treatment process. In case of that the organic matter concentration in wastewater is high, biological treatment units can be used additional to physical and chemical treatment.
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